Mago Academy Projects

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(Announcement) Commencing Mago Community and Her Caretakers

CFC & Registration Open: 2024 S/HE Divine Studies Online Conference

Dec 17, 2023 Virtual Midnight Vigil to New Year (Year 7)

(9-Day Self-Guided Retreat) Awaking in Liminal Timespace, Guided by the Magoist Korean Drama Hotel del Luna

Upon Inaugurating Mago Academy

Personally, the foundation of Mago Academy is a natural growth out of my life’s search and endeavor crystallized in the knowing of Mago, the Great Goddess, known to East Asians. It is a vision to be materialized, one meant to be birthed in due time. After graduating with a Ph.D. degree in religion with the emphasis in feminism from Claremont Graduate University in 2005, I trod in another unfamiliar land for several years with the hope to get hired for an academic full-time teaching position. (See the complete speech.)

2022 Virtual Mago Pilgrimage to Cetacean Korea:

The Calling of Whales and Dragons to WE/HERE/NOW

(Online Course) Reading/Commentating

the Budoji (Epic of the Emblem City)

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