(Day 7 Ritual Guides) 2018 Nine Mago Celebration

Day 7 August 5/6
How Does Nine Numerology Work?


Self-Guided Ritual created by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang and Wendy Stiver


A. What is Nine Numerology?

“Nine Numerology is an occult language of the Creatrix and is manifest in the physical world as a sonic phenomenon behind the pattern of lifeforms. It is revelatory and salvific. The physical property of numerology has been kept esoteric. Where do we see the physical manifestation of numerology? We see it everywhere and all the time. In fact, our very existence is the very proof of the physical manifestation of numerology. Crossing the dualistic boundaries between the spiritual and the mundane, between the abstract and the physical, and the organic and the inorganic, Nine Numerology goes beyond the anthropocentric thealogy of the Nine Mago Creatrix. It helps us grasp the complex and magical operation of the universe or the Way of the Nin Mago Creatrix. Furthermore, it explains the mytho-cultural-epistemological provenance of the nine symbolism that is widely found in East Asia and beyond.”

Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, The Magoist Calendar: Mago Time Inscribed in Sonic Numerology (Forthcoming 2019).


B. Poetry

Ah, drink again
This river that is the taker-away of pain,
And the giver-back of beauty!
In these cool waves
What can be lost? —
Only the sorry cost
Of the lovely thing, ah, never the thing itself!
The level flood that laves
The hot brow
And the stiff shoulder
Is at our temples now.
Gone is the fever,
But not into the river;
Melted the frozen pride,
But the tranquil tide
Runs never the warmer for this,
Never the colder.
Immerse the dream.
Drench the kiss.
Dip the song in the stream.
Collected Poems. (1956)  Edited by Norma Millay


C. Some Cospicuous Features of Nine Numerology




D. Closing: Build your triad cogwheel

Many of us are in Diaspora, isolated in our own timespaces. This is a collective effort to help us who seek to reach out to a wider circle for various purposes. We, Mago Work Volunteers, suggest that each of us build/recognize one’s own triad cogwheel with our two wings (daughters/sisters).

How do we do that? You, as the root, invite your two partners/companions as your two wings to form the triad of three cogwheels (the root and the two wings) and provide support for your wings, while navigating your own cogwheel. This is not a closed circle but a self-transcending unit of life’s networks. This is how nature is self-organized and networked on all levels from the microscopic to the macroscopic. In the sense that anyone can be the root of your own cogwheel(s), this is a symbiotic model of life’s organizations. We all are weavers and creators to our own capacities. There is no center or periphery for all is the center and the periphery at the same time.

Your triad cogwheel is meant to be joined by other triad cogwheels. We go by the cosmogonic principle of Nine Numerology. You and the two other roots will make the pattern of nine cogwheels made of three roots and six wings. Do you see the pattern of Nine Numerology working here? The three roots represent the Triad Creatrix and the nine cogwheels the Nine Mago Creatrix (Nine Goddesses).

For more info on the Nine Move Movement, please see here.

MPC is here to host your triad cogwheels. As the first step, one may do the following:

  1. Seek your vision and establish your cause (we assume that it is about Goddess feminism, activism and spirituality broadly defined).
  2. Know to whom you are providing support for your vision and cause. Find out who your two wings are.
  3. Consolidate your own networks amongst yourselves.
  4. Announce your triad cogwheel or introduce your members in MPC as a post. Please state what your cogwheel is about or aims at. Give a title phrase (Triad Cogwheel) Your theme by Your name in your post. Others will recognize you and may find you as the root or wing.

Where are we going from here? You, the mother of your own triad cogwheel, may find or be found by the mother or wings of other triads. We have confidence that this will take place because that is how nature is self-organized. However, this is an organic process, which requires time and care. In a timely manner, you, among the three mothers, will know who will have capacities to support the two wing triad cogwheels. That will eventually make your network the nine alliance.

We know that nature does not work like a man-made machine. Nature don’t repeat the same thing. In that sense, we are room for novelty and ecstasy. All possibilities are open. What is evident is we are weaving horizontally and vertically at the same time. One may say, “the only limitation is our imagination.”

By doing this, we will naturally form the alliance of 81 clan members. This can fluctuate and stay in the process perennially. We don’t have to force ourselves to an exact form of 81 clan members. 81 members are naturally formed and all we have to do is to recognize them.

Mago blessings to all in WE!

(Previously published in Mago Pool Circle.)

Daily Themes

  • Day 1 July 30/31
    Our Life: Cross the Threshold to WE/HERE/NOW
  • Day 2 July 31/Aug 1
    See Interconnectivity of all inter-cosmic beings in HER
  • Day 3 Aug 1/2 (Inter-continental Video Meeting 1)
    Transform from within


  • Day 4 Aug 2/3
    Honor Life in all forms
  • Day 5: Aug 3/4
    Restore Mother-Daughter Bond
  • Day 6: Aug 4/5 (Inter-continental Video Meeting 2)
    Celebrating Cross-cultural Nine Female Symbols


  • Day 7: Aug 5/6
    How Does Nine Numerology Work?
  • Day 8: Aug 6/7
    Charting Our Mother Time, the 13 Month 28 Day Calendar
  • Day 9: Aug 7/8 Lammas/Imbolc or Ipchu立秋/Entering Fall (Inter-continental Video Meeting 3)
    Homage to the Magoma (Mago and Goma)

Mago Academy hosts 2018 (5915 Magoma Era) Year 1 Nine Day Mago Celebration! Our celebration will mark the first year of the Magoist Calendar (13 month 28 day gynocentric calendar). We began the New Year on the new moon of the last December Solstice according to the Magoist Calendar. We are to commemorate nine days, the ninth day marking the 9th month the 9th day, which is also Lammas/Imbolc or Ipchu立秋/Entering Fall. Anyone can join us and welcome!

Dates July 30/31-August 7/8 (the 9th month the 9th day in the Magoist Calendar given the variation of time zones)

Theme Proclamation of WE/HERE/NOW, the Return of the 13 Month 28 Day Calendar

Planning Committee Wendy Stiver and Helen Hye-Sook Hwang

Method We will provide nine guidelines for rituals and readings. We have about 3 video meetings on the 3rd day, the 6th day and the 9th day via Google Hangouts. Times to be determined between 10AM to 6PM PST. If you want to participate, please fill out the below form. (Participants must provide a Gmail address to which you will be notified shortly. Actual invite will be sent to you 10 min before the session on each day. If you are new to Google Hangouts, please enter the conference room 10 min prior to the session. You will be invited to a Google group conversation. Please say hello to all in the chat window.)

Learn more about the Mago Almanac: 13 Month 28 Day Calendar (Book A).

(Continue Reading)


Helen Hye-Sook Hwang. The Mago Way: Re-discovering Mago, the Great Goddess from East Asia (2015).

Bettina Aptheker. Tapestries of Life: Women’s Work, Women’s Con-Sciousness, and the Meaning of Daily Experience (1989).

Starhawk. The Earth Path: Grounding Your Spirit in the Rhythms of Nature (2005).

Iyanla Vanzant. One Day My Soul Just Opened Up (1998).


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