Magoist Calendar (13 Month 28 Day)

What is the Magoist Calendar?

It is an ancient lunisolar calendar of ancient Magoist Koreans with the 13 month and 28 days per year. Intriguingly, the Magoist Calendar is found in the turtle calendar of North American First Peoples. Its regularity is in sync with the cycles of the Moon, Menstruation, and the Earth manifesting the creative force/principle of the matriverse, Sonic Numerology (infinitely happening interplays of musically charged nine numbers).

The Magoist Calendar reflects the numeric interweaving of the three threads of three numbers in the digital root, Sonic Numerology. Thread one comprises the numbers 1, 4, 7. Thread two comprises 2, 5, 8. Thread three is 3, 6, 9. Like the helix structure of DNA, all days (364 days) are coiled as part of an open-ended procession of time/space/form. 

A week is made of 7 days. 

A month is made of 28 days or 4 weeks.

A year is made of 13 months (54 weeks) and one leap day before the New Year prior to the Winter Solstice (for Northerners).

One year is called the little calendar.

Two years is called the medium calendar.

Four years is called the large calendar. Every fourth year has the second leap day prior to the Summer Solstice (for Northerners). Thus, there are five leap days in one large calendar. (That is only 25 leap days within 20 years.) Leap days are regular and egalitarian to all users (no authority is needed to determine when to add leap days). Mago Almanac began on December 17th, 2017. Year 1 marks the day of the new moon, which fell on Dec. 18th in 2017. With one leap day, Year 1 (365 days) began from Dec. 17th, 2017-Dec. 16th, 2018 in the Gregorian Calendar. We are in Year 6 in 2022-2023.

One month or one lunation is 28 days, which is a median between the sidereal lunation (27.3 days) and the solar lunation (29.5 days), from Mago Almanac Planner (Year 6), page 17.  

Examples of 28 Lunar Mansions:

East Asia: Headed by four directional signs (blue dragon for the east, black turtle for the north, white tiger for the west, and red phoenix for the south) each of whom corresponds seven mansions respectively. 


Arabic 28 Lunar Mansions:


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