2019 Virtual Mago Pilgrimage and Resources

Whale mallet in the Sudeok-sa Temple Bell, S. Chungcheong

You are invited to join the Circle of Mago Pilgrims at large and explore Korean Magoist culture! We will share our 2019 Mago Pilgrimage along the way and process the relevant themes afterward for another 7 days!   

Dates May 29-June 18 (21 days during which 14 days are the period of 2019 Actual Mago Pilgrimage to Korea, May 29-June 11)

Theme Reunited in the Land of Goma (Ungnyeo), the Shaman Queen of Old Magoism, with the focus on Korean Shamanism or Mago Stronghold, the primordial Home of the Mago Clan 

Facilitator Dr. Helen Hye-Sook Hwang (Founder of the Mago Work)

Venues Online (Classroom at the Website for Mago Scholars Community and Google Hangout)

Methods Participant-centered. Dr. Hwang provides daily and weekly themes, topics, and resources for 21 days as well as freshly taken photos, video clips (rituals and interviews) and online resources during Mago Pilgrimage (the first 14 days). Participants ask questions or comment on the themes or posts that they find intriguing. All are encouraged to respond and discuss someone else’s questions and comments. We will have 2 video meetings (about 1 hr 20 min each) on Sunday, June 16 at 3PM PST and June 17 (Time TBA). One may opt to participate in one meeting due to an inconvenient local time. 

Places to visit and activities include

  • Guksadang Shaman shrine in Mt. Inwang, Seoul
  • Mago Stronghold, Mt. Jiri, and Peak of the Triad (Samsin-bong)
  • Hamieup-seong (Stronghold of Ancient Mother Township) in Seosan, South Chungcheong
  • Goma Port, Gong Stronghold in Gongju and Buyeo, S. Chungcheong
  • Korean Shaman (Mansin or Mudang) Rituals
  • Mago Halmaedang (Shrine of Mago the Supreme Divine), Milyang S. Gyeongsang
  • Mt. Gomo/Stonewalls of Gomo (Mungyeong, North Gyeongsang)
  • Buddhist Temple: Buseok-sa (Yeongju, North Gyeongsang)
  • Seonghwang Shrine (Korean Magoist shrine)
  • Miyeok-guk (Sea Mustard soup aks birthday soup): Magoist Cetaceanism
  • Podaegi (Method of carrying a baby on one’s back with podaegi): Magoist Cetaceanism
  • Samsin Halmeoni (Triad Great Mother, Mago) dinner altar for babies



  • 2019 International Forum on Matricentric Cultures, 2-4 PM, June 4, 2019. Chungnam National University
  • Colloquium in Sangsaeng Research Institute, June 5, 2-6 PM, June 5, 2019. 

See all details in 2019 Mago Pilgrimage to Korea!

Resources The Mago Way: Re-discovering Mago, the Great Goddess from East Asia (authored by Dr. Helen Hwang, Mago Books 2015); photos and videos freshly taken during the 2019 Mago Pilgrimage; audio-visual materials on previous Mago Pilgrimages; Mago Almanac: 13 Month 28 Day Calendar (Book A), and two articles on Mago and Goma from Goddesses in Myth, History and Culture. Dr. Hwang’s essays on Mago and Mago Pilgrimage in Return to Mago E-Magazine; online materials provided by all participants including facilitator.

Participants will be given Dr. Hwang’s books and articles in PDF for free. 

Fee and Registration US$150 (Pay below in the form of a donation)

Include your answers to the following in your registration email: 


1. Your name and place of residence (country and city)

2. Contract email

3. Your website or online information about yourself or your work

4. What makes you interested in 2019 Virtual Mago Pilgrimage

5. How do you hear about this event? Are you familiar with Magoism or the Mago Work? (optional)

Above registration form and all inquires should be emailed to Dr. Hwang (magoacademy@gmail.com). Dr. Hwang will guide you to enter the classroom so that you can have access to all class materials.  

Audio/Visual Materials (more to be provided)

Inwangsan Guksadang (National Teacher Shrine) in Mt. Inwang, Seoul

Guksadang Shrine



Inwangsan Mountain Walking Tour

Stronghold of Mt. Gomo (Ancient Mother)


Mago Stronghold, Mt. Jiri

Miyeok-guk (Sea Mustard Soup) 
Vegan version: You can substitute meat with dubu (tofu) or mushrooms.





Samsin Halmeomi (Triad Great Mother) dinner altar for babies


2019 Mago Pilgrimage to Korea

Dates May 29 (Wed) to June 11 (Tue) for 13 nights and 14 days (9 days communal and 4 days optional cultural tour experience)

Director and Facilitator Dr. Helen Hye-Sook Hwang

Theme Reunited in the Land of Goma (Ungnyeo), the Shaman Queen of Old Magoism

Goma or Ungnyeo (Female Bear/Sovereign), the best known but most misconstrued Goddess of Old Magoist Korea who laid foundation of modern civilizations once and for all before the rise of patriarchal rules in East Asia. It was Goma who taught us about Mago, the Nine Mago Creatrix, and whose gynocentric civilizations were carried out across cultures in the fourth millennium BCE and thereafter. We will trek the mytho-historical-cultural heritages of Goma permeated in traditional Korea including topographies (Mago Cave, Peaks, Rocks/Boulders, Stonewalls), Buddhist Temples, and Mago Stronghold as well as seemingly isolated but intriguing customs (sea mustard birthday soup), slow food (femented food preparation), Samsin Halmi (Triad Great Mother) dinner altar, and carrying a baby on one’s back by using the podaegi blanket, and museums (whales and the Seon).

I invite you to join us by the following essay: What Mago Pilgrimage means to me by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang

Participants include

Kirsten Brunsgaard Clausen (Stockholm, Sweden). Danish and Swedish. Bachelor Degree in Theology/Religious History and deep studies in Thealogy and shamanism. Storyteller, dancer, professional weaver, and physiotherapist in psycho-somatic. Organizer of six Swedish Goddess Festivals. Now dedicating my life and love to the Old Scandinavian Wise Mothers – Hel, Brido, Omma, Källingen. Ancient narratives, songs, and legends about them seem to interweave with geographical names and archeological findings, together displaying a much broader pattern that crosses national borders in time and space. For ten years my friend, archeologist Märta-Lena Bergstedt and I have been co-workers in these fields.

Mail: kirsten.brunsgaard@gmail.com

Hyunsuk Jee

생활발효학교 대표, 몸과 마음이 건강할 수 있는 발효를 생활화 할 수 있도록 절기음식과 전통발효를 연구하고 교육하는 일을 합니다.
동화작가 전통문화자도사 문화유산해설사.
제1회때 부터 함께한 마고순례를 통해 만난 여신 문화에 관심이 많습니다. 여신의 발자취를 따라 제주도에서 만난 해녀들의 삶과 해녀 밥상을 통해 생명살림의 원천인 할머니들의 부엌을 찾아 전통음식을 기록하고 연구하여 현대생활에서도 쉽게 할 수 있는 생활발효를 교육하고 보급하는 일을 하고 있습니다.

Dr. Joo Young Hong

Dr. Hong is an Associate Professor of Humanities Studies at Korean Air Force Academy. He holds a Ph.D. in Korean Literature from Seoul National University (2014).

2003. 서울대학교 국어국문학과 졸업

2007. 동 대학원 석사 졸업

2014. 동 대학원 박사 졸업

2007~2010 공군사관학교 국어과 강사 및 전임강사

2014~현재 공군사관학교 인문학과 조교수

2015 공군사관학교 천문대 천문대장

Dr. Myung Joo Kim from English Department, Chungnam National University

Seonsa Hanpul from Mago Stronghold Community

Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, Ph.D.  is scholar, activist, and advocate of Magoism, anciently originated tradition that venerates Mago as the Great Goddess. She earned her MA and Ph.D. in Religion with emphasis on Feminist Studies from Claremont Graduate University, CA. She also studied toward an MA degree in East Asian Studies at UCLA, CA. Hwang has taught for universities in California and Missouri, U.S.A. Since 2012, Dr, Hwang has founded, directed, co-edited, written for the Return to Mago E-Magazine (https://magoism.net), Mago Academy (https://magoacademy.org), and Mago Books (https://magobook.com).

Virtual Participants include

Anna Tzanova

Wendy Stiver

Narayani Ankh

Hannah Baek Wha

Essays on Mago Pilgrimage to Korea by Dr. Hwang and others include:

(Essay) On the 2015 Virtual Mago Pilgrimage to Korea by Helen Helen Hye-Sook Hwang

(2015 Mago Pilgrimage Essay 2) Neuk-do (Serpent Island) by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang

(2015 Mago Pilgrimage to Korea Report 1) Triad Shrines in Gangmun by Dr. Helen Hye-Sook Hwang

(2014 Mago Pilgrimage Report 1) Sweat Lodge in Gyodong, Ganghwa Islands by Helen Hwang

“Mago Pilgrimage to Korea” by Glenys Livingstone published in Goddess Alive: Goddess Celebration and Research

(Video) Mago Pilgrimage 2014 by Robert Seaborne and Glenys Livingstone

(Mago Pilgrimage video 2) Ganghwa Island by Robert (Taffy) Seaborne

(Mago Pilgrimage video 1) Gangjeung Village in Jeju Island by Robert (Taffy) Seaborne

(Essay) 2014 Mago Pilgrimage by Rosemary Mattingley

(Video) 2013 Mago Pilgrimage to Korea by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang

(Pilgrimage Essay 2) Report of First Mago Pilgrimage to Korea by Helen Hwang

(Pilgrimage Essay 1) Report of First Mago Pilgrimage to Korea by Helen Hwang

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